The Makeathon

Join our 3-day challenge that connects young innovators with different backgrounds to develop AI solutions for real-life business cases.

Launch your AI project

Use the Makeathon to kickstart your startup journey

Grow your network

Meet and socialize with motivated and likeminded people

Win awesome prizes

🤫 These are still a secret. Stay tuned

About the makeathon

We at are thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to hear what you and your team come up with! 🚀

The Makeathon is a 3-day hackathon for motivated students and young professionals to develop innovative AI solutions on real-world business cases presented by industry leaders. Innovators of tomorrow work together in interdisciplinary teams to develop a prototype for challenges centred around the theme of AI for everyone. As Germany's leading AI student initiative, we drive positive social impact through interdisciplinary projects. The Makeathon seeks to achieve this by providing talks of leading industry speakers, hands-on challenges, networking opportunities with like-minded people, industry leaders, start-ups and research organizations. This year's Makeathon is in-person on TUM's campus in Munich during the last week of April. We invite you to explore the possibilities of AI and create innovative solutions that can positively impact everyone.

Learn more about

Opening Pre-sign up


Application Phase Opens


Application Deadline





Opening Pre-sign up

Pre-sign up opens for the Makeathon 2024. Sign up to get notified when the application phase opens.


Opening Pre-sign up

Pre-sign up opens for the Makeathon 2024. Sign up to get notified when the application phase opens.


Application Phase Opens

Registration opens for the Makeathon 2024. Students, recent graduates and AI enthusiasts from around the world are invited to apply and showcase their skills and interest in AI. Participants will be asked to provide their background, interests, and goals for the Makeathon.


Application Deadline

Registration closes. Note: We review applications on a rolling basis. That means the earlier you apply, the better.



On-Site Following the Opening Ceremony, the Makeathon kicks off on-site at the TUM Main Campus. Here, the challenges are presented and the hacking starts.


Winning teams of the last Makeathon.

Over 800 enthusiastic students and young participants have already participated in’s previous Makeathon iterations. Have a look at the winning teams and fantastic solutions that resulted from only 48h working time!

Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warriors

The solution records the sign gestures of people and translates them into text or speech for non-deaf people. The NN algorithm is highly customizable for all the variety of signs languages around the world. As a result, deaf people can communicate between each other with 300 different sign languages.

Click here for the team's project page

Forward Propagators

Forward Propagators

Demographic change will lead to an immense number of elderly people that will be cared for at home. The solution provides an all in one application to make caring for your loved ones at home easier. The team created their own dataset for kinematic model detection during the Makeathon.

Click here for the team's project page

"We from Reply can't wait to get to know you during the Makeathon! We are already looking forward to your innovative ideas to solve our challenge. Join us in exploring the forefront of AI innovation as we go deep into the realm of predictive maintenance for enhanced energy efficiency. Harness the power of data from renewable energy systems to minimize downtime, maximize energy output, and enhance operational reliability. Take this opportunity to learn, innovate, and make a tangible impact on the future of renewable energy. Join us and be a part of shaping a sustainable tomorrow!"

Makeathon 2024 Industry Partners

ReplyOsapiensSalesforceMercedesJane StreetQuantCoGResearchJetBrainsCare for RareHaunerLMU KlinikumMI for PeopleCheck24Helmholtz MunichmsgRyver
For the sponsors

Interested in participating as an Industry Partner?

Join us on the journey of raising awareness of AI potential and inspiring young individuals to discover potential AI business cases in the real world!

We are excited to offer partnership packages for companies, NGOs, and student or research organizations who want to support the Makeathon:

Sponsors | By becoming a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to support the development of innovative AI projects and connect with a talented and motivated community of participants. Share your company’s vision with the world during the opening ceremony. In addition to that, you benefit from marketing posts shared on’s media channels and enjoy many other advantages. Your company's logo will be advertised on the Makeathon website and announcements during live events, giving you visibility and exposure. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your commitment to AI innovation and to connect with a network of like-minded organizations and individuals.

Challenge Setters | By setting a challenge for our participants, you can inspire and motivate young people to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. This is an excellent opportunity to attract talent, demonstrate your company, and generate new ideas.

We would love to collaborate with you on the current and/or future Makeathon. Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved and support the development of the next generation of AI innovators.

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions?

As the largest student-organized Makeathon in Germany, you can expect numerous exciting speakers, big-name companies, cool prizes, and excellent opportunities to meet like-minded international students.

What is a Makeathon?


What is the cost?


What events will be held?


Is Makeathon in-person or virtual?


What if I don’t have a team or idea?


What skills do I need to participate?


Who can participate?


Why should I attend?


What if I have more questions?


What are the prizes?


Can we use hardware?


What can I build?


When is the application deadline?


🚀 Our last Makeathon

If you want to learn more about our student initiative, click the link below:

Learn more about
Explore past projects

Previous Sponsors

Aleph Alpha
TNG Consulting